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We’ve started a new series in which we’ll present to you a different kind of sport every week. Last week, our employee Michael introduced you “his” sport and explained why he recommends it, especially after a long day at work. As you will notice, he is an enthusiastic cyclist and had a lot to tell…

And what about me? Well, I’m passionately playing football. So, my #WeeklySportTip: play football!

Twice a week, I’m having football training in my home town and on Saturdays we usually have a match. Why do I play football, you may ask? Well, first of all it’s the sport itself. In my opinion, you need some exercise regularly to feel relaxed, to clear your mind and stay fit and healthy. And if you like eating – it helps not to gain too much weight (especially, if you sit in front of your computer the whole day – I can tell you, it’s really necessary).

Secondly, I was looking for a team sport. I know it’s a clichee: emphasizing that you’re doing a team sport is something you can score points with in a job interview: “I’m playing football because it’s a team sport, so I’m a teamplayer….” Although it definitely is an often said phrase, it is true: it is more fun to do sports in a team, with friends and not just on your own. One aspect is that you are kind of “forced” to attend the training. If not: your coach won’t be happy (worst case scenario: you’ll find yourself on the substitute bank during the next match), you’ll be short of breath easily and this makes you angry at yourself and it’s not fair for your team mates. As I said, it’s a team sport… Another aspect: I’ve got many friends in my team and it’s amazing to see them twice/three times a week and chat with them (of course, that’s something our coach is not always happy about. But what can you do – we are women… 🙂

And thirdly, I simply love football! Ever since I was a child, I’ve been watching it regularly on TV and now, whenever I get the chance, I travel to Munich to see my favourite team play. That is Bayern Munich, of course…

So, how does football training look like?

Wednesdays and Fridays, I’m quickly heading home from work to be on time for the football training. At 18.30 football starts: first a warm up, some stretching and then sprints, tactics, a match, shooting practice etc. It’s always different – also depending on whether we have a match on the weekend or not. You often have to go to your limits but in the end it’s worth it. After 90 minutes you are exhausted but totally happy! If you’re playing football yourself, you know what I’m talking about. If not, you should definitely try it out 🙂
