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Vilnius Convention Bureau is happy to announce that the European Youth Parliament has decided for Lithuania and its capital Vilnius to host the 88th International Session of European Youth Parliament in summer of 2018.

300 young participants from 35 European countries will attend the 7 days event. Having as a topic “Learning from the Past, Shaping the Future”, the event will create a unique parliamentary simulation for the young delegates to work together, learn from each other, and experience parliamentary democracy first-hand.

They will discuss current European topics and draft resolutions by formulating their own ideas. They will also receive input and engage in dialogue with experts and decision-makers throughout the process. The resolutions will then be debated in an interactive two-day General Assembly, similar to those of the European Parliament, but developed to fit the target group.

Moreover, there will be several events promoting intercultural exchange and dialogue while celebrating Europe’s rich cultural diversity.

The event will honour a special occasion: the 100-year anniversary of Lithuanian independence going to be celebrated in 2018.

Source: www.vilnius-convention.lt.

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Your contact at Vilnius Convention Bureau:
Jolanta Beniuliene
Head of Vilnius Tourism and Convention Bureau
tel. +370 5 212 1833

Your contact at tmf dialogue marketing:
Ulrike Kiesel
Project Manger Content & PR
+49 931 9002 114
