Google Street View is almost everywhere – but not in the Faroe Islands. That’s why Durita Dahl Andreassen of Visit Faroe Islands said that if Google Street View will not come to the Faroe Islands, she will make the Faroe Islands visible to the world in another way. So she brought the project „SheepView360“ into life using the hashtag #wewantgooglestreetview.

The idea was simple: a couple of sheep were outfitted with specially designed harnesses that secure a solar-powered camera to their backs. As the animals move around the islands, the cameras capture the surrounding landscape. Via GPS coordinates Durita receives the videos and pictures on her smartphone and then uploads them on

Finally, Durita has achieved her aim: Google found out about „SheepView360“ and travelled to the islands to help her with the project! Together they have decided to continue making the Faroese own version of Street View. Instead of using their cars, Google has brought some cameras, a Google Trekker and its support. So instead of replacing the Google Sheep View, they have expanded the fleet of cameras. Now they can make Street view with sheep, bikes, backpacks, ships and even a wheelbarrow.

Everybody can support Visit Faroe Islands with the project. So if you want to help, just come by the Visit Faroe Islands office in Tórshavn or stop by Atlantic Airways in Vágar Airport and they will lend you a camera.

Watch this video to learn more about the whole project:

More about the project in our German article here.