The Forbes Magazine has ranked Lithuania 15th in the list of best countries for business. The Baltic country has climbed two places since last year. In the last three years, Lithuania has improved by 10 places. The Baltic country now lies ahead of countries such as Switzerland, Germany, the USA and Israel.
The list rates countries based on the conditions for business they offer. 11 business environment factors are considered: property rights, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, trade and monetary), bureaucracy, investor protection and stock market performance. All in all 139 countries were evaluated.
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Lithuania is one of the globally best countries for business relations! Are you curious to explore the local economy and opportunities for congresses and meetings? We still have place in our hosted buyer group to Convene Vilnius – quickly register and let us change directions of how to take a destination choice! If you want to travel in our group, please mention the code TMF2017 – will be great to exchange ideas!
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