Großes Interesse, intensive Gespräche, viele Fragen und neue Themen haben die kürzlich durchgeführte Informationsreise nach Israel gekennzeichnet. Dass es eine tolle Gruppe war, hatte ich ja schon erwähnt! Hier noch einmal Dank an alle Teilnehmer und an die Veranstalter, die die Reise ermöglicht haben.
Gerne möchte ich Zitate und Kommentare einiger Teilnehmer teilen, um den Blick auch anderer Veranstaltungsplaner für die Destination Israel zu schärfen! Wie immer stehen wir gerne für weitere Auskünfte bei der tmf dialogue zur Verfügung!
Great interest, intensive discussions, many questions and new topics were the remarkable results from the experience of the recent famtrip to Israel with a group of 24 buyers from allover Europe. It was a fantastic group, I have mentioned this already! Once more thank you to all participants and to the organizers making this experience possible.
I would like to share some of the quotes and comments that have reached us following the trip – also to sharpen the view of other planners for the destination! As always we will be happily answering any questions or needs for information!
Nicole Stadler, MICEExperts, Kuoni AG:
“It was a wonderful experience as it was the first time for me to visit Israel. I am positively surprised, the country offers a lot. I came back full of impressions and with lasting memories.”
Christina Zwingmann, B+D Events GmbH:
“To travel to Israel was a wonderful experience, beautiful places, an undescribable amount of history! All guides were extremely good and experienced in “story telling” and in creating special and even magic moments. I will try to come back.”
Verena Reinmuth, boeld communication GmbH:
“It’s been a fantastic experience to get a first glimpse of the country. The warmhearted hospitable people, the fantastic food, great nature, loads of history and stories – it’s absolutely awesome.”
Marie Siebold, ErlebnisReich:
“A small country with lots of great things offer.”
Siegfried Haider, experts4events:
“Incredible inspiration through the special history and the particular vibration of the country and people. Security certainly is an issue in a place like Israel, but they do more to ensure protection and safety than anywhere else!”
Arndt Zimmermann, VDE e.V.:
“Great insights, beautiful country, safe and clean, good MICE destination.
Thanks to all for the wonderful experience together in Israel. It was great, full of emotions and special insights. The group was very special, lots of nice people. Thanks for letting me be part of it. (…)Special thanks to our guide Revital for the very personal view and expert knowledge to the amazing country Israel!”
Andre Skenazi, EAMTM Services:
“Israel is really an excellent destination provided you can connect to its history and present!”
Claudia Scheibel, Global Cynergies:
“What an interesting, vibrant and surprising destination! I am impressed – this was my first visit to Israel, and I came home hoping that I will place business in this country.”
Um mehr über den Famtrip zu erfahren, lesen Sie bitte unsere beiden anderen Artikel:
– Israel – wie geeignet ist die Destination für Tagungen und Incentiveprogramme?
– Israel MICE Famtrip: das Programm war großartig