Earlier in the year I participated in a workshop (pre-Corona) in Vienna, where Walter Werzowa presented his concept of using music to intensify relaxation and healing. Being a recognized composer and developer of computer-based sound landscapes and involved in really creative projects (e.g. composing Beethoven’s unfinished 10th symphony from the existing fractions with help of AI (artificial intelligence) into a ready-for-concert version to be performed in Bonn in November this year (on the occasion of the Beethoven Year) and also having a master in psychology, Walter founded HealthTunes™, a digital streaming platform for Healing Music/Sound.
In the workshop it was demonstrated how the intensity of meditation and relaxation can be augmented by adding a layer of almost inaudible beats, called binaugural beats (will report more about the mode of functioning in a later article) to music, which (clinically approved) affect brain reactions. I was thrilled how strongly this worked out in a session even, with other people around you. And I thought what a great and easy way this is to help people to achieve more inner peace and quiet.
Well, in February the sound was not yet available on an App, which now it is. The first version of the HealthTunes™ App offers a selection of areas of applications and a choice of music for treatment of those.
See lots of reports as of how music can increase memory capacity, take away anxiety (e.g. before surgeries), reduce pain, improve sleeping and many more areas of effectivity — there are plenty of scientific publications around the different areas on https://www.healthtunes.org/references.
The Health Tunes App starter version is ready for (free) download in the App Store. The team presently works on the full version which will be available soon at 4,99 Euro per month. Corporate plans and taylored solutions for specific applications are available on request.
What an inspiring health promoting incentive this can be for employees in corporations or hotels or any other big organization where talent is frequently under stress, for airlines or any transport organisations it offers value ads to their customers. Associations and Medical platforms can provide it to their business communities as a gift of support. It is an innovative asset for clinics, doctors, dentists, for Yoga Studios and for anybody who wants to help their brain and body to function better and be more healthy!
As content specialists for business communities, we also recommend Walter as a speaker on the healing power of music — for any webinars the topic adds a powerful message how to keep well in business.
For any questions contact Johanna (j.fischer@tmf-dialogue.com)
tmf dialogue are experts for content and management of knowledge based business communities and for engaging local and international stakeholders around congress / investment / MICE / tourism and knowledge transfer in global industry clusters.