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As our lives turn more and more digital each day, cyber security becomes a serious issue to deal with. But cyber security to most of us still means something that geeks in highly secretive government facilities deal with, not something that is a potent risk in our everyday lives.

While cyber warfare is real and happening, potentially anyone who has any online footprint is at a risk of falling prey to cyber threats. Hence it is extremely necessary that we all equip ourselves with a basic understanding of what this threat is all about and how it can manifest into our day to day working. Only then is it possible to take appropriate measures to protect oneself against it.

This protection and safety become all the more important when you have a business with a strong customer base. Here is an article about an interview with Vincent Jentjens dealing specifically with how the MICE industry should imbibe cyber security in their business. Vincent Jentjens is a cyber security guru from the University of Amsterdam. In 2007 Vincent and his business partner, Hans de Vries, decided to found the Security Academy with the aim of providing the Dutch market with high-quality security and continuity training. Due to their dedication, the Security Academy has become a leading educational institution in cyber security, privacy and data protection, and crisis management in the Netherlands.

Read the interview to know how the MICE industry is poised to deal with the issue of cyber security in the future.

The issue of cyber security, and event security, in general, is serious and needs to be addressed appropriately. This issue is being tackled head-on at BOE 2018 to be held in Dortmund on 10-11 January 2018. It has chosen ‘event security’ as one of its main theme for this year. It is conducting a  Safety and Security Forum, in cooperation with the Federal Association for Event Security (bvvs) and the Association for Media and Event Technology (VPLT). In addition to the classic security topics, the equally important topics such as “legal conformity” and “compliance” are dealt with – the Forum points to the great importance of the two areas. The Safety and Security Forum has set clear goals for itself: better safety awareness in school, education and study, and among operators, organizers, service providers and visitors. Learn more about this forum at BOE here.