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PR and Communication these days are built on 2 principles:

One is (good!) content (obvious, isn’t it?) – stories, information, interesting events to inform about. And the other are the relevant contacts to spread the content to. We at tmf dialogue help destination marketers with both. With our in-depth expert knowledge about all aspects MICE we do not only create interesting content around what you do, but we also bring it to the right audience.

How would we do that? See us like a conductor: we know the instruments in the orchestra and can combine them in the best possible way, so a nice tune will appear and people will listen! Through our long-term involvement in the meeting industry we have a huge network of industry contacts on a variety communication channels, so you can be sure that your message gets to the right planners, influencers and audiences.

Carefully looking after the communication channels is the new database work – there is no shortcut. Without taking the time to research, create relationships and stay in contact with your target audience you wont be able to inform, invite, keep them in the loop of your activities.

Talk to us when planning your 2018 activities – our scope of service includes:

On the content side:

  • Story concepts and creation of content modules
  • Copywriting of blog content, Press Releases, Invitations etc.
  • Content Curation: 3rd party content research
  • Context Management
  • Economic use of content and content “recycling”
  • Production of online magazines to summarize your content around a certain topic

On the distribution side:

  • MICE newsroom to present content in a context
  • E-marketing
  • Social channels and groups
  • Other presentation media (eg online magazines, apps etc.)

Use the content service for all:

  • Communication and PR
  • Invitation management for events and famtrips
  • Online surveys

and what else you have on your mind!

Make sure you stay relevant and visible in the market place. Your key topics, news, concepts, activities and presence at industry events need to be “alive” and in dialogue with your target audiences. Speak to me for your individual choice of PR and content marketing tools.

Johanna Fischer